Using Customer Profiles to Find the Perfect Promo Products

  • Apr 29, 2023

When business owners are asked about the customers they serve, many times, their response is: “Well, we serve everyone…”

If a company served everyone, it would be impossible to build a successful marketing plan. Who are you specifically targeting? What are their pain points? What are their interests? To properly and effectively market, it’s important to get to know who your clients really are.

One way to do this is by creating customer profiles.

When creating a customer profile, it’s necessary to consider who your team interacts with every day. The most successful personas consider human characteristics, such as emotional and psychological elements. What are their buying habits? Favorite hobbies? Values?

(Source: SuperOffice Blog - How to Target Your Ideal Customer (With Examples))


By understanding who your customers are, you can begin to develop a solid marketing plan that will reach the right people. One of the best ways to market to clients is with promotional products. However, there is no way of telling which products to send if you don’t know who you’re sending to.

Below are three customer profile examples that show how it can directly impact the type of products you are mailing out.


Examples of Customer Profiles


1) Business Type: Local Bank

Customer Profile: Xavier is a 32-year old male who is starting his own restaurant. He needs a loan from the bank to help him pursue this dream. Xavier is hard-working, creative, and an incredible cook. He specializes in Italian cuisine!  

Promotional Product Ideas: A calendar, stylus pen, laptop case, champagne flutes

Why? Since Xavier is starting up his own business, a calendar will come in handy when he is making appointments with contractors, scheduling staff, and more. He can use a stylus pen when creating menu options on his tablet. A laptop case is perfect for toting his laptop to and from his business each day. And of course, champagne flutes to celebrate opening day!


2) Business Type: Hair Salon

Customer Profile: Timothy is a 40-year old male who is a loyal customer. He is an artist and likes to change up his hairstyle each time. Timothy is quirky, outgoing, and takes his health seriously! He is on a budget since he works on commission. Timothy lives in the city and enjoys exploring local businesses.

Promotional Product Ideas: Adult coloring book, handheld mirror, all-natural shampoo, canvas tote bag

Why? Because Timothy is artistic, adult coloring books are a great outlet for relaxation and creativity. The handheld mirror is a perfect and useful tool to help Timothy style his hair each morning. Then, because he is health-conscious, all-natural shampoo is the way to go! Supply Timothy with a trendy canvas tote bag that he can bring with him when exploring his local farmer’s market.


3) Business Type: Landscaping

Customer Profile: Maria is a 38-year old female, mother of two, and lives in a lush suburban community. She is a teacher but enjoys her weekends by tending to her vegetable garden and going on hikes with her children. Maria is compassionate, smart, and a go-getter.

Promotional Product Ideas: Herb seeds, gardening gloves, baseball cap, insect repellent

Why? Giving Maria herb seeds and gardening gloves is a thoughtful gesture since she spends most of her free time growing and harvesting her vegetables. The embroidered baseball cap and insect repellent are perfect to bring along on her hikes with her two children.


A detailed customer profile can help your company build a successful marketing plan and develop a stronger relationship with your customers. By taking the time to sit down and delve deep into your client’s interests, you can send out the perfect promo products that they will love and cherish for a long time!

If you need any help with brainstorming promo product ideas to give to your clients, reach out to us today! We have hundreds of products that will fit into your customers’ profiles. 
