5 Ways to Boost Employee Morale

  • Jul 4, 2023

When it comes to building a successful company culture, maintaining positive employee attitude is key. Not only are happy employees more productive, but your company is also more likely to attract and keep high-quality employees if the daily atmosphere at work is fun and energizing!

If you want to keep your team operating at its peak, try some of these morale-boosting tips.

Express appreciation

When everyone is rushing to hit deadlines, and working to knock out projects, it’s easy to only communicate about things that need to be fixed. Which is why it’s so important to give out high-fives, literal or figurative, to let employees know you appreciate them. There are plenty of ways you can dish out thanks without spending money.

Create fun award certificates and hand them out around the office – “Most Innovative Ideas Award,” “Best Flannel Shirt,” “Most Caffeinated” etc. Put up a compliments board in the break room and let employees post kudos, or leave a hand-written note on an employee’s desk to say, “Thank you!” or “Great job!”

If you want to boost morale even more, surprise the team with donuts, or bring in Starbucks to a meeting.

Encourage collaboration

Have you ever left a brainstorming meeting feeling energized and excited? By encouraging employees to work together and collaborate on projects, you are injecting that energy into the day-to-day operations of your company. Get your marketing and sales teams together to discuss what you want to focus on for the next quarter. Or set up a large table for employees to sit at with their laptops if they want to get away from their desk for a while. Just being in the presence of other team members can shift the direction of projects in new and creative directions!

Provide employee perks

Companies like Google and Netflix have made the connection between maintaining happy, productive employees and offering killer perks. You could try partnering with local businesses to offer exclusive discounts for your employees, such as 10% off lunch at a favorite restaurant, or coupons for house cleaning. Also, check with larger companies to offer discounts on things like phone service, car insurance, or electronics.

Many companies opt to provide their employees with a gym membership in addition to traditional healthcare benefits. Studies show that exercise increases energy and decreases depression and chronic illnesses. Keep your employees happy and healthy by encouraging good wellness habits.

One of the most unanimously popular perks is free food. Try catering lunch once a month, or having an assortment of fresh fruit in the break room. Another great option would be to add an espresso maker to the office!

Have mini-meetings

Allowing your team time to socialize and come together on projects is an easy way to improve morale throughout the week. Having regular, informal check-ins with the whole team gives your employees the opportunity to acknowledge accomplishments, discuss obstacles, and just be social. These daily or weekly meetings help employees support each other when one person is overwhelmed with work, or if someone needs help brainstorming a topic. This can also be a time for pep talks to re-energize the team during long projects, or to share company successes.

Make it fun

The quickest way to put a smile on your employee’s face is by doing something fun at the office. Surprise your team by playing a board game instead of your weekly meeting, or get a foosball table for the break room. You can also talk with local food trucks and arrange for them to come onsite now and then to give your employees an interesting, new lunch option. You could also schedule an end-of-the-quarter group outing to go bowling or see a movie to celebrate a job well done!

Work doesn’t have to be a pain. These are just a few ways you can encourage employees and build a positive community at work. And, better morale means higher achievements!

  • Category: Business Advice
  • Tags: Business Advice, Fun, Morale, Happiness, Employees, Work Life